Tuesday, September 30, 2014

goumori life

septmeber 26 , 2014
its only 3 pm and i have already sweat out all of the water (bisap) i had today. i am also disscussing with a fly on whether or not he (or she) should get the fuck out.

dispite the disturbance, i still want to get on with my life and practice guitar. I am also waiting for the person who change the key on my door which has consequently, left me front door less and exposed to the world. its too hot to do anything today, even the locals said so, so how the hell is someone from not this climate supposed to do stuff within the hottest hours of the day????
just the other sunday i was  lying on the beach with my friends saying 'wow, ive made it. we made on an african beach. this is the life'. is this the life? in dunno. those days when you spend the morning doing lao tsu meditation with beninese people, get taken to this awesome vegetarian restuarant, et enfin go to the beach are days that you are glad to spend two years in benin.
pc benin is interfering with my goals in life: not to be under direct sunlight. 

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