Tuesday, February 25, 2014

in austria

I just had the best day in austria. I went down the hill-barely not in any vehicle manslaughter accidents-into the town to spend sometime to myself and stumbled upon a cafe. The server was very kind to me and was unabashed at my akwardness upon entering the cafe. after i ordered some coffee, i wasnt in any way expection to hearing coldplay and lauren hill on the radio. which is exactly what i needed to assuage the anxiety creeping up on me in the past two weeks. I can say things are going good. but will i actually believe it? i know what i need to do to almost completely eliminate this feeling, but i just know it wont ever go away.

Saturday, February 22, 2014


For the first time in a long time, i feel appreciated. yes its true that only a small thing is expected of me-to teach english- but I also feel like unless im giving something or doing something (not for myself of course), I am considered a waste of space and time. Maybe it just a change of scenery that is making me so happy, or that i need to lay low and be a little less introspective, in the end, i feel happy.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


back in bratislava again. This will evenutally be my peace corps process/bratislava experience/the adventures of Obe blog. personal blog. updates soon. here is a lovely picture