Tuesday, September 30, 2014

goumori life

septmeber 26 , 2014
its only 3 pm and i have already sweat out all of the water (bisap) i had today. i am also disscussing with a fly on whether or not he (or she) should get the fuck out.

dispite the disturbance, i still want to get on with my life and practice guitar. I am also waiting for the person who change the key on my door which has consequently, left me front door less and exposed to the world. its too hot to do anything today, even the locals said so, so how the hell is someone from not this climate supposed to do stuff within the hottest hours of the day????
just the other sunday i was  lying on the beach with my friends saying 'wow, ive made it. we made on an african beach. this is the life'. is this the life? in dunno. those days when you spend the morning doing lao tsu meditation with beninese people, get taken to this awesome vegetarian restuarant, et enfin go to the beach are days that you are glad to spend two years in benin.
pc benin is interfering with my goals in life: not to be under direct sunlight. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

july 27, 2014

july 27th
this week will probably be one of last weeks ill have internet (at least for two weeks).
Also tomorrow is the fete de ramadan and my birthday~~~!!!!
so after classes:(( ill head straight home and idk there will probably be a while bunch of people around my house bc it probably seems like the center of all muslim festivities in my town. Ill probly wake up to more "allah" songs/prayers.
On saturday after class i went with another classmate to go to a birthday party of another sector. It seemed to me a good chance to get out of the big ol' city, porto-novo, and see what its like outside big cities. despite the unnecessary hour long ride, i really like the village life, a lot quieter than PN. It also gave me another chance to hang out with other sectors too which i really was looking forward to. by the time we got there, the party was winding down but still i decided to dance into the few hours i was there and danced with one of the trainees little sister and she seemed to take a liking to me. on the way back home we made a couple of stops to another volunteers house which was big and huge and i was abit jealous even. As we made our way through the little pathways to the big road where all the zems are found, my new 'sister' (which i seem to make one everyday) stopped by her moms shop to talk and chat and introducing us to the happiest little baby ive ever seen. most babies here run away from me (idk exactly why), but this one just made my long day worth it with her smile:))

september 21 entry

September 21, 2014
The traffic jam is benin extends our already 12 hour car ride by three short hours.  But no complaints can be heard here. Luckily, we were  not on any benin-owned buses, luckily, the illness i was/am suffering through did not occur in the car, luckily i have made some pretty good friends to shorten our 15 hour ride.
It seems that training is over and my real and new life begins. Since I like lists, the following are goals for the next few months:
(not in any order)
1. Start studying (GRE, korean, french,bariba, poole)
2. more guitar time (I have more time to myself to practice)
3. English Club
4. Choir Club??
5. Secondary Projects: Primary school English time, environmental education workshops,....
6. Decorate my House!
7. Self-directed capoeira trainings

the little things

Im sitting on the communal computer room in the north of benin at my regional workstation. I can hear a melange of the call to prayer from several different mosques nearby. Low chants chime in the background , guttural , rhythmic,  some of the fast , some slow.

after a successful stroll the day before through the market of kandi, I feel more comfortable with being in my village. The north is nothing like the south. No one is questioning if you are american here in the north, for some reason its automatically assumed.

i have been spending an unreasonable amount of time thinking about grenoble. not particularly about the experiences but the ones i would have if I moved there after benin. this is also the same for vienna if I lived there. It is probably due to the fact that I am studying for the GRE. once i start teaching, maybe my mind will finally catch up to the present.

      photo of a few other volunteers in my region and our homologues. hilarity ensues with a bit of delusion from a 2-day voyage,

one thing: not to bring this up again as the main theme in my blogs, but its come up again in my life and i have to take note of its frequency. after over hearing a conversation about how cool or uncool each of the colored volunteers are AND repeatedly being asked about  (like, how is _____?) another black volunteer (whom i have never talked to before). i have come to conclude that i dont actually like some volunteers. It's sad, because some of these people are in my region and it looks like i have to deal with them for two years.

anyway, i'll be writing more posts once i get installed into village.

Friday, September 19, 2014

training is over

after a great end of training party, i head to the cyber cafe for the last time.
my feet hurts of all night intense sessions with my coping mechanism: dancing.
ive been negative lately, not listing five things i like about my life right now:
1. getting to spend an entire day recovering and doing what I want.
2. realizing i have a whole new team of supporters behind me.
3. I got to be more familiar with cotonou/benin
4. planning sweet reunions with other volunteers.
5.getting to talk to my friends back home:))