Tuesday, June 17, 2014

pre-departure thoughts/why i wanted to spend a year teaching english to hone my skills

i am not nervous
dont get me wrong, being a peace corps volunteer can be the hardest experience anyone can have
BUT it can also be the greatest experience
i still remember the feeling like it was yesterday- 4 years ago the day before getting on the plane, i wasnt  sleeping well for the whole week bc my heart seemed to burst out of my chest beating erratically at every thought that i would be living my dream in a few short hours:))
i cant imagine feeling that way now
i am not nervous bc nothing can surprise me
i spent a total of 32 mins researching czech repubic and slovakia before-other than boring history that wouldnt help me out on the streets, i had nothing to prepare myself for my unexpected 7-month stay.
i knew nothing about the culture and next to nothing about teaching
no matter how much english grammar you know-teaching involves almost none of that stuff
i am not nervous because knowing NOTHING is okay!!
i spent seven months learning that there IS no one way to teach good. i mean, well
after my experience in slovakia, i got comfortable with trial and error, criticisms (harsh), and screaming KIDS -who spoke in a language i dont understand-
so now i am the calmest person you will ever meet- it saves me time on adjustment and collecting myself so that i can focus on the important things- education
here is one my protegees i miss so dearly

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Pre departure Qoute for Benin

If growing up is painful for the Southern Black girl, being aware of her displacement is the rust on the razor that threatens the throat
— M.A.